Friday, September 12, 2008

Two more days until Sunday School starts!!

Tonight is the first meeting of the year for the Sunday School staff at our church, of which yours truly is a part. It's been nice to have the summer off to rest and get refreshed, but I'm actually really excited about the start of a new year. I'm planning on building on some of the things that I taught my class last year (the 10 commandments, books of the Bible, scripture memorization), as well as incorporating some new things into the curriculum (the Beatitudes, how God made each of us special and unique). Although we have prescribed curriculum that we use, I enjoy getting creative from time to time and doing my own thing with the class, particularly if there's something I want to teach that we don't have in the current curriculum.

One of the nice things about belonging to a small congregation is that we generally have the same students from year to year. Last year I taught grades 3-6 (which was only 5 students); this year I'm not sure what grades I'm going to end up with. It's going to depend on how they decide to split the classes up between me and the other elementary teacher.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sunday School teachers are so important. I still remember mine. Especially the ones who brought goodies to class. I hope it goes well for you.