Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Layout Journalling

Here's the journalling from my "Short Stuff" layout; I realized after posting the picture that you couldn't actually read it, even in the close-up:

"Short stuff, pipsqueak, midget, squirt... I've heard them all. If you had asked me when I was younger what the worst thing about me was, I would have said definitely my height. I hated being short, and I used to wish I was taller. I got teased in school a lot because I was always the smallest kid in class; at least until High School, when I had a friend that was shorter than I. Gym class was a special torment for me; I felt that my height (or lack thereof) really held me back: I couldn't make a basket to save my life, and I had trouble getting the volleyball over the net. Finding clothes that fit and still looked good was another challenge; the stuff that fit me was all for younger girls - not what you want when you want to be a cool teenager. And forget about finding pants that fit that didn't need to be shortened.

But somewhere through the years, a transformation has taken place. I'm not entirely sure when or how it happened, but I gradually became more comfortable with and accepting of myself. I think the change may have come about as I grew stronger in my faith, and I started to realize that I'm short because GOD wanted me that way and made me that way, and He doesn't make mistakes. I am what I am, and all the wishing in the world isn't going to change that. So I figure I have two choices: I can either spend my life wishing for things that will never happen, or I can accept and embrace myself the way I am. There's a Bon Jovi song with a line that says "like a favourite pair of torn blue jeans, the skin I'm in's alright with me". That's where I am - totally comfortable in my own skin. I like myself just find the way I am, thank you very much! (That being said, it's still next to impossible to find pants that fit without needing to be shortened.)"

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