Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ever have one of those days...

When the only way to survive the day is by constantly reminding yourself how much you actually do love your job? I love what I do, I really truly do, but there are days when I just want to run screaming from the office. Today has been one of those days. Between impossible deadlines (which I missed by 2 1/2 hours BTW), endless distractions and interruptions and annoying co-workers whose every move is getting on my nerves, I'm starting to seriously question my sanity. I know deep down that it's really not as bad as it seems, and that a lot of my over-reaction has to do with that wonderful thing know as PMS (I read somewhere that PMS stands for "pissy mood syndrome", which today describes me perfectly), but I feel like I'm about to snap. I hate these months where I turn into a basket case. I don't know how anyone can stand me; I can hardly stand myself!

Okay, I feel better now. There's just 15 minutes to go. And tomorrow's Friday, and I'm off early. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. (I'm just going to keep repeating this to myself until that clock says 5:00.) I really need that margarita LOL!



Anonymous said...

Mmmmm....margarita's!! I'm with ya!

LAURA said...

Leaving you a little love:

Tomorrow is another day...
This too shall pass...
The sun will come out tomorrow...
I will survive...
Hope springs eternal...
There's a light at the end of the tunnel...
Every cloud has a silver lining...
Shoot for the moon...
Wish upon a star...
Keep your fingers crossed...
Life is a bowl of cherries...
Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you'll get...
Take the easy way out...

That's it. That's all the cliches I know that might give you some hope for a better tomorrow (hey, I think that's one!). Wishing you a brighter tomorrow, a better mood and a sick-enough-to-stay-at-home co-worker. : )

Celena said...

Oh yes girl I have those days too! Hope it helps to know ur not alone!

Sarah said...

I think Laura covered it ALL!! lol

I hate days like that. I hope things get better for you soon. You should take some "ME" time this weekend to recharge.

Me said...

(((((((((hug)))))))))! Do I need to go to the office and kick so bootaa?! I got you girl!


Ellie said...

Wow, sounds rough. Hang in there you can make it to Friday.

Marsha said...


ValAnn said...

I hear you on those days... Does your office allow you to work from home? I've started doing this 3 days a week and I get so much more accomplished. It's amazing how much of a distraction your co-workers can be...