Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How refreshing!

The blog challenge topic for the 3rd (yes, I know it's the 4th now LOL) was to post a picture of something refreshing. Here's what I thought of almost immediately:

I love a good rain shower. Not the weak drizzly kind, or thunderstorms that are so loud they shake the house, but a good soaking rain. The kind that soaks right into the ground and makes everything look bright and new. And after the rain ends, the air smells so fresh and clean. I love it when it rains at night, and I can fall asleep to the sound of the rain on the roof; it's so soothing and peaceful. I can't remember just when it was, but there was a soft drink company (I think) who used the slogan "The pause that refreshes". That's exactly what the rain does - the earth pauses and is refreshed.


All That Chit Chat said...

Wow! Stunning photo. Very refreshing!

Carmen O. said...

I agree rain can be so refreshing! Great photo.

Me said...

Great take. That's the real deal.

🌈🌈🌈 said...

I feel the same about the rain....good foto pick!