Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ramblings, Part 2

In my blog over at, I had written about why I scrapbook. One of the things that I wrote was that, through scrapbooking, I've discovered a previously unknown creative side of myself that I didn't know existed. I've been thinking a lot about how I can use this newly found gift better to serve God. I haven't come up with much so far, but one place where I do see this git being used in in my Sunday School teaching. Being a small congregaton, I've gotten to know my kids pretty well, and they like to do creative things. One of the favourite things is to act out Bible stories. Some stories are pretty easy to do, but some take a bit more thought. It's been a bit of a creative challenge to come up with ways to act out some of the stories in the curriculum that we use. They also like to do crafts. Since I also like crafts, I've been in my element coming up with creative ways to bring the lessons that I'm teaching home.


A little while ago, I was sitting doing rate adjustments (a rather mindless task) and I got to thinking about a birthday gift that I had made for mom for her 50th birthday a few years ago. I had compiled (isn't that a great word?) a collection of 30 quotes about motherhood that I printed horizontally onto 4.5" x 6.5" parchment-coloured cardstock. Then I punched two holes in the top of my cardstock sheets and tied them together with beige chenille yarn. To present them, I made an envelope out of plastic canvas that consisted of a front, a back and a pocket embellished with cream-coloured flower buttons, and tied closed with burgundy ribbons with butterfly beads on the ends. Mom just loved it, although she did ask if it would be alright if she took the yarn out of the quote cards and replaced it with binder rings so she could add more stuff to it (which I have actually done). Anyway, the whole point of this is that I was thinking I would really like to do another one of these little "envelope" albums - maybe for myself this time. I'm not sure what I would make the theme of the album, but I do have some ideas for making the envelope.


The other night I was laying in bed thinking about my brother when I was suddenly compelled to pray for his wife. And not just Danielle, but her whole family. This came as a bit of a surprise to me, for a whole lot of reasons that I won't go into. After I had prayed for her, I lay there thinking about where this compulsion had come from (didn't take me long to figure out that it was God speaking to my heart) and wondering what had prompted it. I decided that if God was telling me to pray for her, then prayer must be really needed. So I offered up an extra prayer just for her.




Me said...

I think that any teaching is specail but Sunday School is just amazing. Be Blessed!

Helena said...

Good luck with your Sunday School teaching, must be a great way to teach the words of God!